Welcome to the (Safety) Club Apple!
29 June 2023

We all know that dreaded feeling when you just aren’t sure when someone gets home safe. Apple gets it - of course they do, they know their customers better than they know themselves. Their new feature Apple Check In is targeted straight at that pit-of-the-stomach feeling.
Your daughter is home from a night out. What a relief, thanks to Apple Check In!
Your friend made it to his destination. You can breathe easy, all thanks to Apple Check In!
Your lone working employee checks in from a remote destination. Peace of mind, thanks to GetHomeSafe.
GetHomeSafe is Apple Check In for professionals. GetHomeSafe have been putting safety solutions into professional pockets since 2012. We started out where Apple is now, making it easy to connect people with their loved ones to keep them safe. We still offer that service today through our free personal app.
But people don’t just move about in a personal capacity, there’s an incredible amount of local, national and international movement by people in their working lives. With the rise of remote work, even working from home presents more safety challenges than ever before. So we focused on connecting people in their professional lives, to keep them safe.
Let's explore key features that make GetHomeSafe a step up from Apple Check In.
Key Features
Everyone deserves to be safe. Apple Check-In requires both sender and receiver to have an IOS 17 phone. GetHomeSafe works with any Apple or Android phone, and even Satellite devices for those working out of coverage.
It’s not about the phone, it’s about how you use it. Apple Check In sends notification when a person reaches their destination. With GetHomesafe, there’s no need for phone calls, texts or WhatsApp messages. A quick tap and you’ve let your employer know all is well.
What if something does go wrong and you can’t check in? While Apple Check In notifies the receiver if the person doesn't reach their destination or is delayed, GetHomeSafe takes it a step further. If there is an Overdue or a Panic alert, an immediate and automatic notification is sent to a manager or external monitoring provider.
Real-time data is essential to being immediately notified if something is wrong. While Apple Check In allows location sharing at one point in time, GetHomeSafe offers an optional feature of real-time tracking. With your permission, your designated contact can see your exact location and movements throughout your day.
One size does not fit all. Apple Check In is a great tool for personal safety. GetHomeSafe caters to diverse working lives by offering multiple options for checking in. You can check in with a designated contact at a set check in period, set up an automatic check in timer, or set up a reminder to check in manually.
Apple Check In highlights the power of technology - it can even calm that feeling in your stomach! Better safety options are available in our personal and professional lives - embrace the possibilities.

Apple Check-In highlights the power of technology - it can even calm that feeling in your stomach! Better safety options are available in our personal and professional lives - embrace the possibilities.