Planning Your Journey This Summer!
15 January 2024

The GetHomeSafe team is back and ready for 2024. Throughout the break, our team maximised the opportunity and embarked on numerous exciting travels - take a look!

It’s summer in the southern hemisphere and it can be a busy time of year for many businesses with increased risks such as extreme weather conditions, increased traffic and long journeys.
With GetHomeSafe’s Journey management solution you can pre-plan, review and approve your team’s journeys to ensure their safe arrival wherever the job takes them this summer.

Did you know that you can add waypoints to your journey? These can be break stops on your journey and reflect changes in mode of travel such as cars, boats and flights!

You also have the option to check in by capturing a photo during your journey, documenting essential job details (such as hazards or near misses), tracking assets or capturing impressive views.

To get your journey started, get in touch with for a free no-obligation demonstration.