Risk Assessment Feature Improvements
19 December 2022
GetHomeSafe's risk assessment feature has been very popular with several clients. The development team have been working hard on a new update focusing on improving risk assessments. This update allows supervisors to configure risk levels and set restrictions to prevent users from encountering potential risks depending on their answers.
New Question Types
Three new question types have been added to Risk Assessments. These question types allow risk points to be added to them. Continue reading for further information.
New question types include:
- Yes/no: users must either answer yes or no
- Single choice: users must choose one option from a list of options set by users
- Agreement: This question type is like terms and conditions. Users must agree to the terms (question) before continuing
Risk Points & Levels
All questions (excluding free text) can have risk points added to them. As users answer questions, they will accumulate risk points.
Risk Assessments include five configurable risk levels. Names and restrictions are editable. Depending on the total number of risk points accumulated while answering their questions the user will fall under one of these levels.
Restrictions include:
- Unrestricted: the user can start the activity
- Warning: a warning prompt will be presented to the user before they start the activity
- Approval required: the user must first request the activity for approval
- Restricted: the activity cannot be started
Warning, approval required, and restricted prompts all include configurable help information that can be set from the web portal. This allows supervisors to provide their user's extra support
Benefits & Implementation
Identifying risks before they happen is essential in preventing them. GetHomeSafe expects this update will help prevent users from encountering potential risks and hazards, no matter what they're doing.
Risk Assessments are an opt-in feature. If you would like to utilise this feature, contact support@gethomesafe.com for further information on pricing and implementation.