The Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society
14 October 2022

The Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Otago) is one of eighteen regional societies throughout NZ. MS Otago is designed to aid and empower those with Multiple Sclerosis and their families. This is done through providing information, education, support and enhancing their engagement within communities. This is a not-for-profit organisation.

“At MS Otago we use the Get Home Safe Lone-Worker Wellbeing monitoring system to help us fulfil our legal and moral responsibility to ensure our Field Worker is kept safe while undertaking activities associated with employment in MS Otago”.
Due to the nature of the services, MS Otago provides, often workers are undertaking activities out in the community. The field worker also works alone, therefore it is important to MS Otago that their worker is kept safe out in the community. Working in the community poses some challenges, such as driving or animal encounters. Health and Safety is a big priority for MS Otago.
By using GetHomeSafe, MS Otago has found a solution to help keep their lone worker safe. “At MS Otago we use the Get Home Safe Lone-Worker Wellbeing monitoring system to help us fulfil our legal and moral responsibility to ensure our Field Worker is kept safe while undertaking activities associated with employment in MS Otago”.

The Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS Otago) contacted us here at GetHomeSafe (GHS) in regards to a welfare monitoring solution for their field worker and a solution for external monitoring to ensure someone could respond if their field worker was in trouble.
“As our field worker is the only employee of MS Otago we also use the St John monitoring system to monitor and escalate any alerts.”
If you would like to learn more about MS Otago, find it here.