Croft Surveyors
28 January 2022

Croft Surveyors is an independent, regional firm of chartered building surveyors with offices across the South West of England, specifically in Exeter, Taunton, Torquay and Totnes. Croft Surveyors are specialists in providing practical knowledge on building, construction and associated legislation in both residential and commercial property.
Croft's Surveyors have used GetHomeSafe since 2017, after establishing the need for a more robust system to ensure staff undertaking property inspections (often alone and in remote settings) all arrive home safely. Though Croft were previously using a manual phone call check-in system, they wanted to remove the reliance on admin staff and family to monitor welfare, and move to an automated system where staff are far less likely to forget to check-in.
The GetHomeSafe - Lone Worker solution has proved an intuitive, flexible and fail-safe solution for the team. Hear more about what they had to say.
What was life like before GetHomeSafe?
As Building Surveyors we are out and about for much of the time. We might be inspecting properties which are empty, dilapidated, remote, or even some with volatile occupants. Lone working in these situations has always been difficult to manage and with just a few surveyors we relied on our admin staff and families to be able to raise the alarm if we did not check in at the end of the day – though this was far from a perfect system as there might be insufficient signal to send a message, the admin staff might leave for the day before the inspection was finished and families would not have easy access to our work calendar to find our location.
What made you choose GetHomeSafe?
GetHomeSafe is the first system we have found that works the way we need for surveyors out and about and at a cost we can afford. It is important for us to have something automatic, and with reminders for the surveyors. When we just had someone awaiting a phone call the system would fail when the surveyors forgot to check in.
How has this made a difference at Croft?
As employers we have confidence that we are looking after all or our remote and lone working staff, and as surveyors we like the flexibility to add more, or less, detail to the appointment while knowing that the system can track us and alert the managers if we fail to check in.
It is great that the system works on each surveyors’ mobile without the admin staff and managers needing to get involved.
What has surprised you most about the experience?
We like the ‘panic’ options – hopefully never to be required but good to know it’s there.