Get Home Safe

Lone Worker App & Monitoring Software

GetHomeSafe — Lone Worker is a complete software plan that enables you to manage the risks of working alone in hazardous urban and semi-urban environments.

You get a cost-effective way to engage lone workers, keep them safe, and meet your Health and Safety At Work Act obligations.

GetHomeSafe — Lone Worker includes:

  • Lone Worker App
  • Safety Monitoring Web Portal
  • Optional Panic Button (additional one-off purchase)

The Lone Worker app and platform gives you end-to-end visibility and control, enabling you to carry out time-based check-ins, request safety alerts, and monitor activity and locations. The best thing is that the app and platform are highly customisable to meet your unique needs. 

Our Lone Worker plan combines cutting-edge technology with innovative methods to make sure that your employees actually engage with the system, helping you to fulfil your safety obligations.

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Try now for free, no credit card is required and it only takes 2 minutes. 

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App Downloads


Activities Started


Check-Ins Recorded

Working Alone Made Safer

 Timed activities

The expected time each user is required to check in or complete their task. The ability to extend this timer is available if the activity is taking longer than expected.



Check-in, take notes, scan barcodes and store photo's, all while letting your supervisors know you are safe and well.


  Scheduling & Reminders 

Schedule lone working activitivies and proactively remind your team to use their important safety tools.


 Journey Planner

Integrated journey planning and dynamic approval to help manage travel risks that compound with working alone.

GHS iOS mock up active activity v3

 Adjustable GPS tracking 

Track and record the live location that is being shared with the GHS solution.  Download and export options. 


 Panic alerting

The Panic button will immediately notify your supervisors that you require urgent assistance.


 Risk assessment & pre-start checks

Configurable risk assessment and pre-start checks to capture important information and trigger risk management controls.


 Man down and motion monitoring 

Activate an option to monitor your mobile device for movement and trigger an alert if you become motionless.


Lone Worker Safety Portal Includes

Key safety features for managing the risks of working alone included in our Lone Worker solution: 

  • Live GPS Location Sharing
  • Fail-Safe Time Monitoring — Alerting for not Checking In
  • Duress, Silent Alerting, Mandown and No Movement Alerting (App/Phone and/or Wearable)
  • Wearable Bluetooth Duress Button Wearable
  • Email, SMS & Phone Call Alert Notifications
  • Barcode Scanning (Indoor Positioning)
  • Integration-Friendly, Including Outlook and Google Calendars
  • Single Sign-On
  • Active Directory
  • Implementation Support (Optional)
Learn More About How It Works
GHS web portal mock up nz dashboard

Easy-To-Use & Affordable Lone Worker Safety Monitoring

Save time, save money and reduce working alone risks with one system! 80% of users are able to set themselves up in under 60 seconds and use the lone worker app with zero training. It really is that easy. Just add new users to your account and off they go!

With GetHomeSafe — Lone Worker you can easily automate manual welfare check-ins, which frees up time for productive tasks. You can send out emergency responses quickly if needed, as Lone Worker gives you all the information you need at your fingertips and reduces the chance of false alerts.

Lone Worker combines a variety of lone worker devices and features into one centralised system, so you can pick the right tool for the right job.


Lone worker

Lone Worker Monitoring — Flexible Options

GetHomeSafe — Lone Worker is specially designed to remove the need for professional monitoring. You’ll cut a lot of costs by eliminating compulsory monitoring charges.

The majority of Lone Worker customers choose to self-monitor their remote employees, using the Call Centre feature to centralise safety monitoring. You can create your own follow-up procedures within the platform and provide step-by-step instructions explaining how to follow your SOPs and record follow-up actions for incident response forms. 

Should you need it, we can offer professional monitoring of lone worker alerts including BS 8484-compliant options, through an approved partner. 

Lone Worker is highly versatile, giving you the flexibility to carry out mixed monitoring alongside professional monitoring of only selected alerts, such as:

  • SOS Only
  • Duress/Panic Activation Only
  • Public Holidays and Afterhours Only
  • Select Users or Teams Only

Try For Free

Get started today with a free trial account, no credit card required and it only takes 2 minutes. 

Enquire Now

Panic Button For Working Alone

Combining the GetHomeSafe — Lone Worker App with a Bluetooth-connected Panic button and self-monitoring is the most feature-rich and cost-effective lone worker solution on the market, backed by our best price guarantee. 

Think of the Bluetooth Panic Button as the remote control for the Lone Worker App, do your welfare check-ins or set off a panic alert with a click of the button. The App contains all the smarts, you are left with a very simple and cost-effective panic button and lone worker device.

Quickly and easily set off a panic alert without touching your phone, initiate a rapid emergency response based on your own escalation processes. 

Smaller and lighter than a normal coin, the button is easily wearable on a selection of accessories, including a pendant loop and wrist strap. The button doubles as a Man down device, with configurable sensors to detect if you have been incapacitated for a period of time

Learn More About the V.BTTN
V v2.BTTN check in

Do You Still Have Questions?

Review some of our frequently asked questions below or contact us for a quick and informal chat with one of our friendly team members about your lone worker safety requirements. 

Contact Us

Working Alone FAQs

Live GPS location sharing of lone working employees through their phone is an incredibly powerful safety measure, if done correctly. GetHomeSafe — Lone Worker app is session-based, and employees (not managers) control when their GPS location is shared and recorded. 

The system is built on a four-tier access hierarchy and fully GDPR-compliant audit trail of access to personal information.

No, it is a one-off cost, starting from $NZD 35 for one, with bulk purchase discounts. You own it, we don’t lease them. There are also wearable accessories available to purchase, for your convenience.

GetHomeSafe is designed to monitor time. If your phone is outside of cell coverage, the app caches the locations and prompts you to find coverage.  The app reminds you to check in (and find coverage) even when out of signal.

If you fail to check in the server (not your phone) sends the alert to your nominated contacts, creating a catch-all and fail-safe system to alert someone, regardless of what has happened to you or your phone. 

If your staff works outside of cellular coverage frequently, please refer to our Remote Worker options

If you’re worried about people complaining about a ‘big brother’ style invasion of privacy, we have included ‘objection handling’ which equips your staff trainers with the information needed to counter these concerns.

It is about the same as the range on your TV remote control.

No, it must be paired with the app and there must be an active session running.  If you are looking for a standalone duress button we have some more options on our hardware page.

Depending on how often you use GetHomeSafe, we expect data usage to range around 80mb per month.